daylight rx

An FDA-cleared 
digital treatment for
anxiety patients

DaylightRx is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) — available to patients 24/7.
Get Started

clinical trials

71% of partipicants experienced meaningful improvement in worry and anxiety

300K Patients
Treated & supported
App Store Rating
Client Implementation
Satisfaction Score
· 9.8/10
Vetted & Trusted
90+ Peer-reviewed publications

gain control over anxiety

Effective tools, available to patients 24/7

Customized to each individual user
Daylight adjusts to each individual’s needs and offers additional guidance
Help at any time, 
day or night
When it’s needed most, Daylight is instantly accessible and ready to help
Keep track of 
your progress
Day-to-day practices and techniques for meaningful behavior change
Get Started

better care + Lower costS

Daylight lowered healthcare 
costs by $1,032 per employee

Understand the issues
Insomnia disorder is maintained by unhelpful  behaviors, thoughts, and worries about sleep.


Daylight makes it easier to maneuver through difficult situations.
David, Busy girl dad


I have been suffering in silence for a long time and Daylight has been the first thing to ever actually help with my worry and anxiety.
Isabel, Perfectionist struggling with anxiety at work


Daylight feels more like a conversation that you’re having with somebody… It made me feel not so alone.
Hannah, Newly promoted & facing stress
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