Mental health care for all

We build solutions to make effective mental health care accessible to everyone – anytime, anywhere.

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In addition to stigma, access to care and financial barriers keep millions from accessing the quality care they need.

65% of US adults with mental health conditions don’t receive treatment.1


Average wait time to see a licensed mental health provider.2

of adults with a mental health condition don’t receive necessary care because they can’t afford it.3

“Thanks to the techniques learned through Daylight, I feel like I’m more in control of my anxiety.”

recent graduate in a new city
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“I recommend Sleepio to everyone – especially mothers who may be struggling with sleep.”

sleepless during pregnancy
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“I feel like myself again.”

anxious dog mom
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“Sleepio has made a huge difference in helping me get consolidated sleep.”

nurse and new mom
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SlickJS Slider Instructions

Step 1: Add head and body code to page settings.
In the Navigator, find the embedded code blocksHead Code (Delete After Copying) and Body Code (Delete After Copying)

Open the Head Code (Delete After Copying) embed, copy the code and place it in the Inside <head> tag custom code section of the page settings.

Open the Body Code (Delete After Copying) embed, copy the code and place it in the Before </body> tag custom code section of the page settings.
Step 2: Connect CMS Collection to Slider (Optional)
Find the div block with class .slider03_component and add a Collection List inside of it.

Add the combo class slider03_wrapper slider-wrapperto the Collection List Wrapper

Add the combo class slider03_list slider-listto the Collection List

Add the combo class slider03_item slider-item the Collection Item

Find the existing div block with class .slider03_wrapper and delete it. (Your CMS Collection List now replaces this)
Step 3: Renaming Classes
We recommend to use {Finsweet Folders from the {Finsweet Chrome Extension to quickly update your class names for this section. Using the Folders tool, you can find and rename all instances of slider03 within the project.

Please make sure that the following combo classes stay applied to the specified elements:
slider-wrapper is applied to the Collection List Wrapper or Div Block containing the slider-list and
slider-list is applied to the Collection List or Div Block containing the slider-item
slider-item is applied to the Collection Item or Div Block for each individual slide
Optional: Delete slider03_arrows to remove the custom navigation arrow buttons.
Optional: Use slick-current as a combo class on the slider-item to style the currently highlighted/focused slide.
Step 4: Style Away!
We recommend adding a slider03_contents div block to the slider-item and then add images, text, and custom styling as necessary to achieve the look you are going for.

Please note that some aspects of the design of the slider will come from the "settings" in the slider code, such has number of slides displayed at each breakpoint. If you are trying to make significant changes from the base structure of this slider, please make sure to review the different setting options that SlickJS offers.
Improving productivity in automotive workers with quality sleep

A case study examining Sleepio adoption and outcomes in employees of an integrated automotive services company.

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Ready to help bring millions back to good mental health?

1. Reinbert et al (2021). “The State of Mental Health in America 2022.” Mental Health America, Alexandria VA.
2. Association for Behavioral Healthcare (2022). “Outpatient mental health access and workforce crisis issue brief”
3. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2021). “2021 Mood Disorder Survey”

Sleepio, Daylight, and Spark Direct are digital programs that may help individuals live well with mental health conditions and symptoms by providing them with cognitive and behavioral techniques that can improve sleep, feelings of worry and anxiety, and mood, respectively. Sleepio, Daylight, and Spark Direct have not been reviewed or approved by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please read the instructions for use.