Improve employee well-being with
better sleep
Sleepio is a revolutionary digital care program for sleep improvement available anytime, anywhere.
Get started
In a clinical trial, 76% of participants experienced clinically significant improvement in sleep
reduction in time to fall asleep.1
less time awake at night.1
better functioning the next day.1
For the past decade, we’ve been putting Sleepio to the test in gold-standard clinical trials.

Sleepio use was shown to lower health care costs by $1,677 per employee*
A health economic evaluation with IBM Watson Health and a Fortune 500 employer demonstrated that Sleepio generated a significant per-employee health care cost reduction.2
Sleepio delivers meaningful, lasting results
Sleepio addresses unique needs with a customized program delivering step-by-step guidance through evidence-based techniques. Each technique takes five minutes or less to learn and can help them quiet their racing minds, reshape behaviors, and over time, get better sleep.

Customized digital care
Sleepio adjusts to each individual’s needs and offers additional tools and insights when needed.

Help at any time, day or night
When it’s needed the most, Sleepio is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practice, or try a new technique.

Progress tracking
Sleepio provides customized goal setting, a detailed sleep diary, and helps track progress over time.
Related reading
Sleepio is a digital program that may help individuals live well with insomnia disorder and poor sleep by providing them with cognitive and behavioral techniques that can improve sleep. Sleepio has not been reviewed or approved by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please read the instructions for use.
1. Espie, C. A., Kyle, S. D., Williams, C., Ong, J. C., Douglas, N. J., Hames, P., & Brown, J. S. (2012). A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of online cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia disorder delivered via an automated media-rich web application. Sleep, 35(6), 769-781.
2. Miller, C. B., Carl, J. R., Henry, A. L., Baker, L. (2020). A health economic evaluation of Sleepio at a Fortune 500 company. Retrieved from: *This is a total estimate that is based on statistically significant and non-significant reductions in costs across categories; thus the exact figure would require confirmation in further research with a larger sample size.