Spark Direct is the only  evidence-based digital program for people 13+ with depression

Delivering tailored support to adolescents with depression — available anytime, anywhere via their smartphones.

Spark Direct delivers meaningful results in reducing low mood and enhancing emotional well-being in practical, real world scenarios.


Experienced improved mood1

Co-created with adolescents, proven effective

Spark Direct is an effective, digital program that helps adolescents live well with feelings of depression.

Significant improvements in mood

More than 2.5x as many Spark Direct users had statistically significant improvements in mood compared to Usual Care* participants.1

Based on the principles of behavioral activation

Spark Direct guides adolescents through cognitive behavioral techniques to help them better understand their relationship with mood and behavior through tailored and interactive exercises.

Mood tracking with built-in safety features

Spark Direct users can track their mood, and if language indicates potential self-harm, users are shown crisis resources and emergency guidance.

A self-paced journey

Spark Direct is a five-week program, guided by Limbot, a robot character tailored to the user.

Level 1: Start Your Journey

Level 2: Making Choices

Level 3: Solving Problems

Level 4: Staying active

Level 5: Journey's End

Request a Spark Direct demo today

*Usual care refers to the standard care that the targeted patient population typically receives in normal practice. It refers to the care provided to participants who did not receive the tested digital program intervention in an RCT.

Spark Direct is a digital program that may help individuals live well with major depressive disorder (MDD) and symptoms by providing them with cognitive behavioral techniques that can improve mood. Spark Direct has not been reviewed or approved by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please read the instructions for use.

1.Internal data, Sep 2023.