daylight rx

An FDA-cleared 
digital treatment for
anxiety patients

DaylightRx is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) — available to patients 24/7.
Get Started

clinical trials

76% of participants experienced clinical improvement in anxiety

Improvement in 
Improvement in overall mood
Reported better sleep
300K Patients
Treated & supported
App Store Rating
Client Implementation
Satisfaction Score
· 9.8/10
Vetted & Trusted
90+ Peer-reviewed publications

support your practice

Effective tools, available to patients 24/7

Immediate access to first-line care
DaylightRx is instantly accessible when patients need it most. No waitlists required.
Additive care option for anxiety
Target the root cause of insomnia & deliver lasting results without medication.
Seamless, low-lift implementation
Simple, streamlined implemenation for both providers & patients.
Get Started

DaylightRx reconditions the brain to help patients overcome anxiety

how it works:

Understand the issues
Insomnia disorder is maintained by unhelpful  behaviors, thoughts, and worries about sleep.
Target the triggers
SleepioRx addresses the issues using cognitive behavioral techniques including:
Cognitive restructuring
Paradoxical intention
Cognitive therapy
Sleep restriction
Get results
Patients get higher-quality sleep and overcome insomnia with improved bed-sleep association, increased sleep efficiency, and strengthened circadian sleep control.

daylight RX

Thanks to the techniques learned through Daylight, I feel like I’m more in control of my anxiety.
Julia, Recent grad in a new city

daylight RX

DaylightRx has offered me a number of coping mechanisms which I’ve found to be incredibly useful and continue to use to help manage my anxiety.
Josh, Caregiver feeling the weight of responsibility

daylight RX

DaylightRx has allowed me to successfully manage my anxiety — and also to acknowledge that it’s okay to feel how I feel.
Noah, Young dad balancing work and family stress
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