An FDA-cleared digital treatment for anxiety patients

DaylightRx is a digital treatment that teaches patients techniques rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a first-line recommended treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.

Get Started

In a clinical trial, 71% of DaylightRx patients experienced clinically significant improvements in anxiety


clinically significant improvement in anxiety1


improvement in overall mood1


reported better sleep1

For the past decade, we’ve been putting DaylightRx to the test in gold-standard clinical trials.

✔️ Clinical trials replicating effectiveness in reducing anxiety

✔️ Peer-reviewed publications in Depression and Anxiety, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, and Contemporary Clinical Trials

An effective tool for supporting your practice

DaylightRx enhances provider care plans by making CBT accessible on-demand. In 10 minutes or less, patients can learn techniques to help them quiet anxious thoughts, manage worries, and overcome anxiety — available to them 24/7.

Immediate access to first-line care

When it’s needed the most, DaylightRx is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practice, or try a new technique. No waitlists required.

An additive care option for anxiety

DaylightRx targets the root cause of anxiety to deliver lasting results, effectively complementing other treatments such as medication and therapy.

Seamless, low-lift implementation

We make it easy for you to unlock access to care for patients through a simple and streamlined implementation process.

What DaylightRx patients say

“Sometimes I feel myself becoming very tense and not being able to concentrate, but remembering that I can take a minute to do an exercise has made all the difference to let my body feel that intense emotion and then just let it go.”

“Daylight feels more like a conversation that you’re having with somebody... it made me feel not so alone.”

“DaylightRx makes it easier to maneuver through difficult situations.”

1. Carl et al. (2020). Depression and anxiety

DaylightRx is a prescription device delivering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and can be made available on the order of a licensed healthcare provider. DaylightRx is a digital therapeutic intended to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) by improving a patient's GAD symptoms as an adjunct to usual care in patients aged 22 years and older. Patients should read the instructions for use for full information.

DOC-3675 Effective Sep 2024